Meaning and voice tones

Consider this sentence: “I know you.” Speak it aloud. Note the meaning it has when you say it in this noncommittal way.

Now say these three words again aloud only this time use the tone of your voice and facial expressions to make these words mean this: “Oh no you don’t, you little rascal. You can’t fool me, but it was a nice try, you sweetie pie.” Practice this until you “get it right”. It’s okay to add “special effects” to your intonation like lowering pitch, smiling when you speak, etc.

Now say these three words again aloud and make them mean this: “I don’t trust you and never will. You betray me every time.”

Now say these three words again aloud and make them mean this: “Who are you? Have we been introduced before? I don’t think so?”

Now say these three words again aloud and make them mean this: “Yes, yes, I see that it’s true. You ARE my soul mate. I’ve been searching all my life and have found you at last. I am absolutely certain of this.”

Now say these three words again aloud and make them mean this: “Don’t deny it. I saw you rob that bank and got a very good look at your face. You’re the robber. I’m certain of it.”

Now say these three words again aloud and make them mean this: “Why would you insist that I know you? Everyone here definitely knows you, but not me. I’ve never met you in my whole life!”

Now, this time, mentally only, think these words again (and again) and mean all the above meanings, one at a time. Do this as if the person you are speaking to can hear your thoughts telepathically.

Ask yourself,What part of me tracks context? How do I know what words mean when they are “merely” printed on paper?

However fleeting or subtle, did I feel the “proper” emotions that “go with” the various ways I spoke? Did I FEEL the meaning I was conveying? Can I mechanically produce any emotion in this manner by simply “acting the part”?

Could I read the telephone book aloud and pretty much tell anyone how I was feeling?

Can I determine the emotional state of someone if they are speaking in another language?

How often do I “guard” my voice in social situations? How does that feel when I do this? What percentage of the time do I “really get away with it”?

If I were to write down a detailed exposition of all the subtle nuances of voice inflection, facial muscles, body posture, etc. that I use to convey meaning when speaking, how thick would that book be?

When I “listen” to my thoughts as if they are words spoken inside my head, do I typically hear a “tone of voice” that is being used to convey meaning, or do I “hear” the words spoken but instead of having mental intonations I feel the meaning directly without bothering to symbolize it with intonations?

What would my thoughts be like to mentally listen to if that “talker” was smiling?

Can I make my talker smile?