
Try a Free IQTuneUp:

What Have I Chosen?

Explore the value of innocence in the choices you make daily and what your past has to offer.

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How Do I Mean?

Explore how meaning emerges from consciousness and your power to create meaning arbitrarily.

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Singing My Self

Explore the difference between thinking a thought and listening to a thought.

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Some of the IQTuneUps you will receive:

Inner Reality

All things are merely concepts within our minds.

Ultimate Self

Intellectually approaching your ultimate self.

Universal Consciousness

Gaining the experience of Universal Consciousness.

Selecting Your Personality

A strong technique for enhancing personality with positivity.

Sentient Sentences

An entertaining essay composed of sentient sentences.

Unearthing Emotion

A powerful technique for unearthing deep emotions.

Automatic Creativity

The true, automatic nature of creativity.

Subtle Mind

Powerfully enhancing consciousness.

Being God

How do we deal with being jaded?


Changing handedness temporarily as an exercise in taking control.

Consenting Adult Game

A fun game for adults.

A visit from God

Allowing the sacredness of life to be appreciated.


"Now" is examined as a concept that is inconceivable.

Inner Witness

The difference between the mind and the witness.

Sainthood, Step by Step

Starting along a path to perfection.

Purchase 134 IQTuneUps
for only $19.95

This Complete Consciousness Exploration Program helps you explore every facet of your inner being and many variations of intelligence.