Morality and certainty

The following statements are almost certainly true; however, some are truer than others. Watch your intuition’s sense of certainty fluctuate as you read them.

Within the next ten seconds, somewhere on the earth, a shoelace will break.

Exactly at this very instant, somewhere someone is reading the word “rhododendron”.

Right now, an ant is crawling over a rock.

On this earth, at this moment, a child is dying of starvation.

Ask yourself,Is anything certain-absolutely without exception?

How does absolute certainty affect my spiritual beliefs?

At what exact point in time did I feel the phrase “Exactly at this very instant” applied? Was I reading the word “rhododendron” at that moment? Or, did I take too long to read that word?

Do I feel the list writer cheated with the “ant” statement? Why is that statement so certain?

What percentage of my knowledge is composed of “facts” that are entirely speculation but nonetheless believed by me to be absolutely true? Does this kind of believing differ from spiritual faith?

How can I “defend” that I am “certain” that a child is always starving to death and yet hardly feel much emotional reaction to that fact?

What mechanism works within me to keep my emotional “temperature” within certain limits? How do I cooperate with this mechanism?

In which situation would I most likely have a stronger feeling: Seeing on television a starving child in a distant country or seeing a parentless child living in an abandoned building in my neighborhood?

How do I participate where my morality, my knowledge, my beliefs and my heart meet in one issue’s challenge? Do I preside over these situations or merely wait for the issue to resolve itself without my conscious efforts?

Do I need to be more inwardly pro-active and carry the banner of my morality to my “inner self” which largely creates emotions and thoughts without consulting me first?

How would I do that?